Episode #59: Locking Down Facebook
How to Increase Your Security on This and Other Social Media Sites

One question I often get asked concerns how to secure Facebook and other social media websites.
I’ve been pretty clear about my hatred of Facebook in particular and social media in general because of one, central truth: Social Media isn’t “free”. The cost we pay is by voluntarily giving over our personal data and life preferences to powerful tech companies. They, in turn, sell our data to other companies who wish to sell us stuff.
And, sure: stuff is fun. And maybe being exposed to good stuff might make our shopping experience better, but… there are moral and ethical questions. The most obvious one? Which people at which companies have access to our precious data?
If you’ve decided to use social media, then be honest: you’ll be opening yourself up to these kinds of data grabs. But, knowing that, you can (and should) make some educated choices to minimize what others - both Facebook and other users - have access to.
More importantly, I also encourage everyone to learn how to prevent their Facebook accounts from being hacked or used against them. Here’s how…