The story of Bitcoin is fascinating and begins, as all good stories do, with a mystery.
Our story begins way back in 2008. This was the year that the original white paper describing how Bitcoin would work was written and then shared with the world by someone named Satoshi Nakamoto. Nakamoto had few correspondences and few Bitcoin transactions. So, despite creating a new currency and the entire underlying technology for how it would work, Nakamoto wasn’t very public.
Bitcoin’s creator left the project in 2010 without ever admitting to his identity and then… essentially disappeared. Folks got curious, and journalists and amateur sleuths began hunting for clues: theories emerged. Some thought Nakamoto was an actual individual; others suspected the name might be a cover for a group of people. Trying to discover Nakamoto’s true identity became increasingly popular.
But that’s not where our story begins.
No, friends, our story begins with Nakamoto’s most popular creation: the world’s most famous digital currency.